Death Knights

Death Knight


DPS class with a strong burst


Tanking class with a good heal


A great tank heal, and an average group healer


1. Blood Death Knight Overview
The Blood specialization has an engaging playstyle, using self-healing through Death Strike Icon Death Strike as a primary source of damage mitigation. Blood has a versatile defensive toolkit and is effective in the full range of current content.

2. Patch 8.1 Changes for Blood Death Knight
Healing from Bonestorm Icon Bonestorm now caps at 15% maximum health per tick.
Will of the Necropolis Icon Will of the Necropolis now absorbs 30% of all damage taken below 30% health, down from 35% of damage below 35% health.
The debuff from Purgatory Icon Purgatory no longer clears upon death.
The Azerite trait Embrace of the Darkfallen Icon Embrace of the Darkfallen has been removed and replaced with Bloody Runeblade Icon Bloody Runeblade.
Veteran of the Third War Icon Veteran of the Third War no longer provides additional armor.
The PvP talent Dark Simulacrum Icon Dark Simulacrum has had its Runic Power cost removed, and the cooldown reduced to 20 seconds, down from 25 seconds.
The PvP talent Heartstop Aura Icon Heartstop Aura is no longer available to Blood Death Knights.

3. Viability of Blood Death Knight in 8.1
Despite a noticeable nerf to Armor, Blood Death Knight remains viable in both raiding and Mythic+. Blood will struggle with encounter mechanics that deal massive damage, but continues to have strong self-healing that allows for fast recovery from dangerous damage situations.

4. Blood Death Knight Strengths
High self-sustain
Many specialized defensive cooldowns
Unique utility with Gorefiend's Grasp Icon Gorefiend's Grasp
Two separate taunt cooldowns with Dark Command Icon Dark Command and Death Grip Icon Death Grip

5. Blood Death Knight Weaknesses
Limited mobility
Reactive mitigation model, leading to spiky health


1. Frost Death Knight Overview
The Frost specialisation provides reasonable single target and AoE DPS and it seems to be on par with Unholy in terms of performance.

Its playstyle is straightforward and its rotation is easy to learn.

2. Patch 8.1 Changes for Frost Death Knights
Glacial Contagion has been removed and replaced by Frostwhelp's Indignation Icon Frostwhelp's Indignation.
A new Azerite trait was added, Cold Hearted Icon Cold Hearted.
Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa received a 10% damage nerf.
Death Strike Icon Death Strike's cost was reduced by 10 Runic Power and also received a 20% healing buff.

3. Frost Death Knight Strengths
Easy spec to learn
Good sustained cleave damage
Very strong short burst AoE damage

4. Frost Death Knight Weaknesses
Lacks mobility, making it one of the slowest specs in the game
Requires many small decisions at crucial moments in order to maximise the DPS rotation

5. Frost Death Knight Viability in the Current Patch
Frost Death Knights have an amazing DPS toolkit to deal with most of the fights in Uldir. Most of the fights in Uldir have some form of AoE or cleave situation, which Frost Death Knights excel at. Frost is currently one of the highest performing DPS specs in the Uldir raid.


1. Unholy Death Knight Overview
The Unholy specialisation currently provides moderate single target damage, as well as excellent cleave damage against 4+ targets. It is better in this regard when compared to many other specialisations.

2. Patch 8.1 Changes for Unholy Death Knights
Festering Doom has been replaced by Magus of the Dead Icon Magus of the Dead.
Helchains has replaced Horrid Experimentation Icon Horrid Experimentation.
A new Azerite trait was added, Cold Hearted Icon Cold Hearted.
The talent All Will Serve Icon All Will Serve now scales properly with Haste.
Death Strike Icon Death Strike's cost was reduced by 10 Runic Power and also received a 20% healing buff.

3. Unholy Death Knight Strengths
Strong single target, AoE, and cleave DPS depending on talent setup
Excellent damage-mitigation capabilities
High raid utility in the form of Death Grip Icon Death Grip and Asphyxiate Icon Asphyxiate
Has ability that provides immunities to knockback and movement-impairing effects

4. Unholy Death Knight Weaknesses
Poor target switching due to Festering Wound application
Lack of damage immunity
Low movement speed
A variable amount of ramp-up time before it can deal effective DPS (due to the application of Festering Wound Icon Festering Wounds)

5. Unholy Death Knight Viability in the Current Patch
Unholy Death Knights are currently outshined in Uldir in comparison to Frost Death Knights. Unholy's current strength is in their burst AoE, which Uldir does not require much of. Unholy is very strong for trash pulls in Mythic+, with the ability to solo very large trash pulls with the right build.

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